You are original. You are unique. My goal is to capture your beautiful spirit just the way you are at this stage in your life.
SENIOR Amber // Muskegon, Michigan
Amber is an active, gregarious soccer player from Reeths-Puffer High School who somehow brought the amazing light with her, not once but twice, as we divided her senior portraits into summer and fall.
SENIOR Reiko // Bear Lake, North Muskegon
This girl is a beauty with a great laugh, dimples and just the perfect amount of toughness, too. The only thing that could have been bad was if she fell off her paddle board which nearly happened.
SENIOR Taylor // Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grand Rapids, MI – Taylor wanted something different for her senior portraits so we headed to the city for great street art and warm air vents.
SENIOR Laura // Montague
Laura is a senior at Pittsford High School but she spends her summers in Montague. Her mother told me that she’s a tough basketball player on the court but loves to be girlie, too. She also is fearless, climbing really high so I could photograph her in the family’s favorite tree.
SENIOR Sierra // North Muskegon
“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” – Maya Angelou
SENIOR Brendon // Shelby
Photographing Brendon combined two of my favorite things — exploring backroads and photography. My nephew, Brendon, is a senior at Portage Central High School but we photographed his senior portraits near Stony Lake while on a family camping trip.